like a rose)及「每件事看起來都帶有玫瑰色彩」(Everything's
coming up roses),它們意指有好事發生,因為玫瑰是那麼的美麗,而它的氣味是那麼的芳香。您聞過玫瑰嗎?它們是花香濃郁、花色鮮豔、花莖帶刺且種類繁多的花朵。
Garden Club)的女士們創辦了德州的玫瑰節,旨在推廣玫瑰工業、振興觀光業、讚美義工服務及逐漸灌輸社區驕傲。這個一連四天的節慶還包含了女王的加冕典禮、玫瑰秀、女王茶會及玫瑰遊行。
Bird Johnson),而現在您也可以在白宮的玫瑰園園裡看到它們的蹤跡。
Have you ever heard the expressions "Smelling like a rose" and "Everything's coming up roses?" They mean that something good has happened, because roses are so beautiful and smell so good. Have you ever smelled a rose? They are fragrant, colorful flowers with thorny stems and exist in many varieties.
Texas is known for its roses. Since 1933, the Texas Rose Festival in Tyler has celebrated the beauty and scent of roses. Inspired by a new agricultural industry, civic-minded leaders and the women of the Tyler Garden Club created the Texas Rose Festival to promote the rose industry, build tourism, celebrate volunteerism, and instill community pride. The four-day festival offers a Queen's Coronation, a Rose Show, a Queen's Tea, and a Rose Parade.
After a plague wiped out the area's peach crops, rose growing in Tyler began on a small scale in the early 1900s. Rose plantings increased each year, and business boomed.
Tyler roses are famous. In 1968, Tyler "Apache Belle" roses were given to Lady Bird Johnson, wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson, and they now grow in the White House Rose Garden.